Date Night at Chez Harris

As a spin off from Reclaim Sex After Birth Annie and I decided to run a "Date Night Challenge". We've got couples to sign up and committ to spending two hours a week with their partner/spouse - in a date scenario.

So I mentioned this to Dave on Monday. We've already got into the habit in the last month or so of watching a DVD together on a Tuesday night - but I wanted to get us out of our comfort zone. All week I've been asking Dave what he wanted to do for date night ... and we finally decided today.

It's going to be Scrabble and a bottle of wine. Very reminiscent of our early days together as a couple.

I have to admit to feeling a bit trepidatious about the idea of wine - I really have lost the taste of it and since I'm meant to be sugar free, the idea of quoffing down liqueurs is both tempting and terrifying.

I'll be back tomorrow to share how our date night went.

You can find more information on Date Night on the Reclaim Sex After Birth blog.