Going Green

I've always been terrible when it comes to eating fruit. I don't mind the occassional apple - and I do love stone fruit and berries, but the problem lies in that I'm lazy about the process. I don't like the sweet sticky mess of juice running through my hand and down my arm. I get cross with having to take the time to cut the skin off (in the case of pineapple - one of my favourite fruits). Basically I'm a fruit feeb!

My Mum was never a keen fruit eater so it was never pushed when we were kids. So like anything, I never formed healthy habits with fruit. I'm am trying to change this with Mr D, encouraging him to eat fruit though it's hard when you can't lead by example.

Greens ... well I do love my greens.

A few weeks ago I discovered The Green Smoothie, which combines the health benefits of greens and fruit.

My friend Annie and her family have in the last month converted to raw foods and it was through Annie that I had my first green smoothie. Annie's been chronically their experiences at Our Journey to Raw. I will admit - I was a little horrified seeing the bok choy, the parsley (which I HATE!) and the spinach all being thrown in. I really liked it though- despite the less than appealing swamp green colour, and discovering later that the fruit base of banana (which I am allergic to)

But it didn't stop me.

Since then I've been found (don't you love the way the Universe works) by Angela Leeds and her fabulous site The Live Green Smoothie Diet and the wonderful articles What's a Live Green Smoothie Anyway? and How to make a Live Green Smoothie.

As I write this I'm quoffing a mango, pear and endive smoothie and encouraging my partner to do so. Who would have thought?

In the past half an hour the fog has lifted from my head, I feel like I can focus and finally the motivation to work is building. If only that had have been the case at 10am this morning, rather than at lunch time. Oh well.

Thanks live green smoothie!

Would you ever consider making live green smoothies part of your diet?

Image: Zugreenie compliments of Annie Evett from Our Journey to Raw


Angela Leeds said...

Dang... *I* want some of that mango, pear, endive smoothie!!! :D

Thank you so much for your kind words, Jodi!

(raising green smoothie glass) Here's to a great 2009, with more vitality & happiness than ever before! :D